#SpanishRevolution – Instaling Democracy 2.0

It has been truly incredible to witness the Democracia Real Ya! (Real Democracy Now!) movement explode all over Spain over the last week, and even more exciting to participate in these days where the whole idea of “Democracy” is being completely re-examined and re-constructed. In streets, squares and parks all over Spain people are asking themselves what sort of world do they want and how are they going to create it. In fact, the simple yet truly powerful gesture is being replicated right the way around this planet at present. Strange and amazing days to be alive, YA!

Must Reads: From Arab Spring to Spanish Summer: The Protests ContinueNotes from Barcelona’s Tahrir SquareSpain’s Tahrir Square  | Spain’s impossible realists (Guardian) | The #Spanish Revolution (El Pais) | Infos: Tahrir > Spain > World | Tahrir comes to Spain | #spanishrevolution goes global | LIVE STREAMS: Madrid 1 2 3 4 (11+ million views in few days) | Barcelona 1 2 | Valencia | Alacante | TarrassaMurcia | Valladolid | Sevilla

Let José Luis Sampedro explain where this Democracy 2.0 has come from and is going to:  Spanish Revolution (Spanish with English Subs)

Democracy 2.0:

Is inspired by thinking from Web 2.0 (the participative side of the internet)

The term Web 2.0 is associated with web applications that facilitate participatory information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design,[1] and collaboration on the World Wide Web. A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators (prosumers) of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to websites where users (consumers) are limited to the passive viewing of content that was created for them. Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted services, web applications, mashups and folksonomies.

Democracy 2.0: In English
Democracy 2.0 – Next Generation Democracy
2011-05-19 The #Spanishrevolution starts in Madrid as an experiment in participatory democracy #acampadasol #yeswecamp #democraciarealya
Democracy 2.0: In Spanish
System failure. Error DEMOCRACIA 1.0. Downloading DEMOCRACIA 2.0…
TEMA: Instaling democracy 2.0 █████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 10%
Democracia 2.0 participativa @ #Spanishrevolution
La democracia 1.0 deja paso a la versión 2.0 (publico.es)
Instalando Democracia 2.0 en España
España: Spanish Revolution, Democracia 2.0 y marketing político
Recogida de firmas Democracia 2.0; para promover la Democracia Participativa
Seminario Internacional DEMOCRACIA 2.0: Campañas Políticas, Comunicación Gubernamental y Legislativa
Democracia 2.0: paradigma de transformación politica


The instigator of the Icelandic revolution, Hörður Torfason, sends a message of support to the Spanish people (vid in english, with spanish subtitles) transcripted in both languages here
First video from Dublin, as the #spanishrevolution spreads: Ya Basta! Solidarity with #spanishrevolution in Dublin 21st May 2011


Democracia Real Ya Berlín

#SPANISHREVOLUTION: Instalando Democracia 2.0 en España

Democracia Real Ya! (Real Democracy Now!)

Democracy in action @ Placa Catalunya: via @acampadabcn

Wiggling hands means “I agree” at @acampadaBCN

Nearly there, now for the rest of the world: Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Mexico…

Whose World? – (Y)our World

#Spanishrevolution now has 650 areas of Revolutionary action around planet#Spanishrevolution now has 650 areas of Revolutionary action around planet – Map

Cambiamos el mundo - Were changing the world
Cambiamos el mundo – Were changing the world

Tahrir > Spain > World

3 Responses to #SpanishRevolution – Instaling Democracy 2.0

  1. […] #SpanishRevolution – Instaling Democracy 2.0https://itsafunnyoldworld.wordpress.com/2011/05/25/democ…-2-0/ […]

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