Homage to Plaza Catalunya: REAL DEMOCRACY NOW IRELAND event

https://i0.wp.com/profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/187790_245193322158801_7197928_n.jpgHomage to Plaza Catalunya: Notes from the #SpanishRevolution and #acampadaBCN @ Barcelona. Personal report from an Irish activist living there

We are the Irish movement for peaceful action to demand Real Democracy Now! Inspired by the Spanish revolution and Democracia Real Ya!


Event on FACEBOOK. Event on IMC.IE. Hi rez poster. Poster in PDF

We are the Irish movement for peaceful action to demand Real Democracy Now! Inspired by the Spanish revolution and Democracia Real Ya!

We are ordinary people. We are like you. We are citizens of different ages, nationalities and social backgrounds. We get up every morning to study, to look after our homes, to go to work, or to look for work. We all work hard every day at building a better future for ourselves and for the people around us. But all of us are worried and angry about what is unfolding, politically and economically, in our society.

We want real democracy now! Not the pretense of democracy that presently exists in Ireland. The present system silences the voices of those who want a meaningful role in shaping our society and concentrates power in the hands of a minority. Our political system does not represent us but instead administers on behalf of unaccountable elites. It is time for us all to start a movement for a better society.

Our manifesto is still under discussion. Have your say here.

Together we can create a new reality. A better world.

A black and yellow fever is taking over Spain... and now beyond: #spanishrevolution

(work in progress in this area, fully edited and updated with films very soon)

Related Articles: Ireland: IRELAND WAKE UP | J19: ‘Indignants’ to protest EU Pact in Dublin, Cork, Galway and Limerick | Who are the real Wallies? Why the F*CK are the Irish people still asleep??? | We are Ireland, we will resist | Anger and indignation in Ireland, Greece and Tunisia | The #IrishRevolution starts now Spain: With The Outraged In Madrid | #SpanishRevolution comes to Greece: #M25Gr = #GreekRevolution | Tahrir Comes to Spain | Tahrir > Spain > World#SpanishRevolution – Instaling Democracy 2.0  | #spanishrevolution goes global Greece: Grassroots politics flourish in Greek turmoil | The Greek protests are not just about the economic crisis | Athens protests: Syntagma Square on frontline of European austerity protests General: “Peoples of Europe, Rise Up” Greece’s message being taken up by France, and maybe beyond too?


The instigator of the Icelandic revolution, Hörður Torfason, sends a message of support to the Spanish people (vid in english, with spanish subtitles) transcripted in both languages here
(This is translated, click the CC buton to read – HD] (ENG) (FR) (IT)

above film included main image of dude in poster with megaphone saying: is fighting to say that we have had enough of having the piss taken out of us… all of us…27M BCN REVOLUTION (black and white vid)
vid – Join the #SpanishRevolution
Spanish Revolution
First video from Dublin, as the #spanishrevolution spreads: Ya Basta! Solidarity with #spanishrevolution in Dublin 21st May 2011


Democracia Real Ya Berlín

11 Responses to Homage to Plaza Catalunya: REAL DEMOCRACY NOW IRELAND event

  1. […] of the vids shown can be found at Homage to Plaza Catalunya: REAL DEMOCRACY NOW IRELAND event but here they are now to […]

  2. fuspey says:

    great article written in the aftermath of the transition conference in liverpool, which talks about some of the massive change that is currently happening in Spain…

    Being the Anchor (Pausing for Reflection on the Transition Conference)

  3. fuspey says:

    and thankfully we have seen the first stirrings in the belly of the beast: OccupyWallStreet https://occupywallst.org/

    Why ‘Occupy Wall Street’ makes sense

  4. […] the last night of the conference, they shared videos and offered their personal opinions and that led to a fine discussion with many of the people most involved in the world of transition. […]

  5. fuspey says:

    Creating the new narrative
    by Charlotte Du Cann

    … In Liverpool I am looking for “the story”. I have been giving workshops on Social Reporting (that will form the basis for this blog), holding a shaky camera for an interview with Ben Brangwyn, interviewing Rob Hopkins about the forthcoming Transition Companion, but I haven’t found that aha! moment that makes sense of everything. I am about to stumble upon it. While the open mic is in full swing in the bar, two Transitioners from Barcelona are holding an impromptu screening of two short films and a follow-up discussion. Many of us in the audience have no idea what has been happening in the squares of Spain this summer. Many of us also have not heard each other speak about about the economic issues raised by the indignats of Europe. It is two months before the word occupy will run like wildfire through the grassroots media.

    As the YouTube flickers against the wall, I can see the story. I don’t care about the production, or the fact there are no actors I recognise. I am not here to escape, or dream the American dream, I am here to create a new narrative. I can hear it in the voices of the people, taking the microphone in the squares, I can hear it in the voices of the Transitioners standing up to speak in the room. It’s a world where we are the director, the cameraman and the crew. We are the actors and we are the audience. It’s a world we are creating together as we take the production back into our own hands.


  6. fuspey says:

    From that article:

    Lock on – notes towards an article on activism and transition


  7. fuspey says:

    Manuel Castells speaking about “Communication, power and democracy”

    15 mins: Manuel Castells en #acampadabcn (I)

    Vilaweb.cat – xerrada integra de Manuel Castells a l’#acampadabcn (48 mins):

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