Who are the real Wallies? Why the F*CK are the Irish people still asleep???

Granted, the following article was a bit of an angry post written on the indymedia Ireland’s callout feature: J19: ‘Indignants’ to protest EU Pact in Dublin, Cork, Galway and Limerick. It was written after the weekends European protests on Sunday June 19th AGAINST the Euro Pact and FOR Real Democracy in Europe NOW! which saw 1/4 million protest in Barcelona (granted with a lot more factors in the local equation) but which saw a poor turnout in Ireland…

This is what a crowd of F*CKING Wallies looks like: J18 Dublin takes to the streets “for the craic”

Who are the real Wallies? Why the F*CK are the Irish people still asleep???

So despite having lost Economic Independance, despite 1000 people a week having to leave the country, despite so much (mostly late at night barstool) mutterings of “The countries fucked… bla bla bla” when push comes to shove, it looks like the rise of INDIGNATION has still not hit the fair little green isle…

Its not like people didnt know, they did. Its not like there isnt plenty of people who are trying to change things, there are. What is it then? Why are the IRISH still asleep, why will they not wake up? What will it take to wake them up?

Sundays international day of action (In my city, Barcelona a quarter of a million people took to the streets) was responded to in the 4 corners of Ireland by only 200 people (mainly spanish and greek???) in Dublin, 40 (mainly spanish and greek???) in Cork and with no written reports yet, we get a response from Limerick “Just 10 in Limerick, but not bad for a first time event I think” and still waiting to hear from Galway.

BUT, its not that Irish people cant take to the streets, the day before in Dublin: 3,567 people dressed-up as Wally from ‘Where’s Wally?…

I dont know, has anything changed in Ireland. I left it in 2006, partly, due to this (aswell as to learn stuff elsewhere). Then the crisis came and it seemed Irish people were starting to wake up, but no. It still looks like the country is dozing. Im INDIGNANT at how this world is being destroyed, Im INDIGNANT at how the international world of capitalism is able (through people not doing anything) to keep on destroying so much of the planet and normal peoples lives BUT Im also INDIGNANT at the, seemingly, absolute lack of drive from the Irish people to RECLAIM their/ our country.

Anyways, I wont go on, ye have heard it all before…

Slán agus bannacht. Éireann abú.

Dunk (INDIGNANT Irish expat in the #SpanishRevolution)

Meanwhile on the same weekend in Spain

This is what INDIGNANT and PEACEFUL revolution looks like: 1/4 million took Barcelona's streets on J19
This is what INDIGNANT and PEACEFUL revolution looks like: 1/4 million took Barcelona’s streets on J19

2 Responses to Who are the real Wallies? Why the F*CK are the Irish people still asleep???

  1. fuspey says:

    excellent read here as to why there is a lack of INDIGNATION, at present, on Irish streets: Anger and indignation in Ireland, Greece and Tunisia

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